Monday, April 21, 2008
Jeez, he's gone!
I've worked on and off at Leapfrog for no more than a year and a half, and in that ridiculously short period of time I've already watched the company shift gears from an in-house design and animation studio to a completely outsourced one. It's a strange perspective to be brought in for a few weeks work at the exact moment that the last of the animators/art directors have left... first Min Lieu, and now Mike Daley. there are still some great people here and there is one last art director (Michael Mattesi), but Mike D was the last of the original crew. The one's around when I started at least. and it's a strange sign of the changing winds here at Leap Frog, and hell... the bay area art scene for that matter. I could write a book about this... but I'll spare you my home-spun opinions of our rather myopic economy and the 2D side of the industry... this post is about Mike D. A good friend and co-worker, that while I'm confident I'll have the privelage of working with again one day... it is still sad to see him go and leave a place that he brought so much fun and inspiration into. I sent him this quick and small, farewell sketch on Friday as was, once upon a time, customary in this company... Have fun out there Mister D, and never stop drawing you bastard!
Ahahaha awesome dude! Thanks for the post : ). Things change all the time, but you'll see that we'll be working together again very soon