Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What Started it All

I have been waiting a long time to post these! I am getting a little vear-klempt! (awful!). Well over a year ago at Leap Frog, a small amount of my time was requested in order to produce some background illustrations for the upcoming DVD style guide. Little did I know, that they would quickly become the most delightful projects I have ever been allowed to work on at Leap Frog. Even now, I am hard pressed to think of a project to have me so excited to go to work in the morning. They were my first ever attempts at doing background work, and more importantly they were really my first serious attempts at producing art in Illustrator. Most certainly: making them made me realize that I wanted to set Photoshop aside and become a vector artist. So in a way, these backgrounds, were really my first baby steps with vectors as a medium: setting me upon the path I merrily walk to this day!

So effectively imagine that there's a family of frog-people. with a green dog. This is a concept of their backyard. Featuring a tree house and flower garden for the kids: Leap, Lily and Tad. Also showing their dog: Scout's house.

Here's Lily's bedroom

Tad's Bedroom

Scout's dog house, as seen from inside

And lastly: an interior of their tree house.

All in all, this was tons of fun, and what's really fun is that while this was all originally intended just for use in the style guide for a series of Lion's Gate DVDs, It has since been popping up everywhere in the company, in one form or another. Largely in the web department. Knowing that these illustrations have been so useful is really kind of rewarding. I dunno, they have a really special place in my heart, even though they are kind of too wonky in alot of places. Thanks for reading!


  1. Wow! Those look awesome man! Great work!

  2. Looks great, as usual, Vear. Love the treehouse one.

  3. Hey Vear, it's been a long time man. Hope you've been well.

    I like that you used the vector tricycle that was outside in the transportation throw rug in Tad's room. Way to Re-use to add detail and continuity.

    Take it easy,

  4. Shit thanks guys! And Logan! I had been wondering who "slim" was. How've you been man?

  5. yay for vectors! I absolutely LOVE illustrator...but looking at these definitely makes me realize that I need to learn how to use the damn program to its full potential.
